INCA - EWI Installation Costs Survey
As the recognised trade association for the external wall insulation industry in the UK INCA are expected to have access to accurate figures and data to support our lobbying efforts with the key industry stakeholders and in order to better promote the industry on behalf of our membership.
In addition to the EWI market analysis survey (to ascertain headline data in respect of market size, product split, trends etc) that is being run through a specialist market research company who are dealing directly with INCA system designer members. We have also recognised to need to review the average costs of installing the systems.
It’s important that we hear from as many of you as possible – small contractor numbers for small, private refurbishments or new builds are just as important as the costs our major nationals put in for EWI works at scale.
It shouldn’t take you long at all to provide and submit your answers – you don’t need to answer everything – just what you can and what’s relevant to you and your business. We’re not asking for anything more than averages so there’s nothing too commercially sensitive but we would like to assure you that NO individual responses will be visible to any member / director of INCA whatsoever and only the collated, averaged data will be published.
On behalf of the EWI industry thank you for your support.
Background to the survey
A simple Google search for the cost of EWI will throw up many different answers: The top three search returns highlight the confusion … Check A Trade quote £7,000 for a mid terrace, £9,000 for a semi detached and £17,500 for a detached property, the Energy Savings Trust quote £12,000 for a 3 bedroom semi and Yes Energy say between £4,000 and £6,000 for a mid terrace, £8,000 to £10,000 for a semi detached and £12,000 to £14,000+ for a detached.
We see it as important therefore that INCA step in, establish exactly what the real installation costs are right now and use this data to provide the industry benchmark to populate the numbers quoted on trusted and reliable websites. For this reason we are running an EWI installation costs survey across the INCA contractor membership and are asking you to let us have your average costs for the main systems, finishes and house types.
What systems does the survey cover?
Systems & Finishes:
We are asking for information relating to the following systems only:
- 90mm EPS + 1.5mm silicone render finish
- 90mm EPS + dash finish
- 110mm Mineral Fibre + 1.5mm silicone render finish
- 110mm Mineral Fibre + dash finish
There is also a free text box to provide any other costs you may wish – brick slips, brick effect, art-brick, structural EWI etc
What is an average house type?
House Types
We are asking for installation costs relating to the following “standard” house / project types:
- Mid Terrace sized at 60sqM
- 3 Bed Semi Detached sized at 100sqM
- 4 Bed Detached sized at 160sqM
- High rise / large scale projects
Obviously there is no such thing as a standard house and we recognise that each project will be different to the next so just provide us with the budget prices you would generally quote for each of the above and by collating and averaging all the responses we should be able to come up with a pretty accurate average and range for us to update the market with.
EWI Installation Costs Survey
There is no need to provide a response to every one of the questions – simply answer any question that you can and that are relevant to your specific company … thank you.