INCA is the recognised trade association for the UK External Wall Insulation (EWI) industry representing system designers, specialist installers and key component suppliers.
We are marking the start of the new calendar year in 2024 with the launch of our 3 Core Messages For Retrofit to lobby Government.
This marks the start of more proactive rallying for significant retrofit programme change that will support the UK Government’s energy security and carbon reduction strategy to meet net zero carbon targets by 2050 and benefit the EWI industry as a whole.
The messages are summarised below or can be downloaded in full.
Download the INCA Core Messages >>>
Download the INCA Press Release >>>
OUR OBJECTIVE WITH RESPECT TO EWI RETROFIT: To introduce INCA’s three core messages, our areas of focus designed to support the UK Government in its energy security and carbon reduction strategy in order to meet net zero targets by 2050.

1: Prioritise a focus on the Fabric First approach:
INCA supports a robust Fabric First approach to retrofit which prioritises the energy efficiency of a building envelope over all other energy efficiency measures to maximise the positive impact of all current and future retrofit programmes to 2050.
• EWI: As a Fabric First measure supported by renewable energy initiatives enables greatest bill savings and carbon reduction.
• EWI: Has the greatest cost saving impact on fuel bills of all energy efficiency measures (EEMs).
• EWI: Delivers significant bill savings and carbon savings in comparison to all other insulation EEMs.
• EWI: Helps to deliver significant health benefits

2: Simplification of PAS 2035 and ECO4:
INCA supports the continued simplification and reduction in administrative restrictions of PAS 2035 in order to deliver retrofit efficiently and at scale but without compromising quality, compliance or risk.
• Simplified PAS 2035 enables more install measures to be carried out sooner.
• Saving on costs – greater delivery on investment.
• Reduced administration – increased delivery / lower costs.
• Funding value per £ spent on the measure rather than its administration.

3: Continuity of funding obligations:
INCA supports the increase of funding timescales from the current four years to a minimum of eight years.
• Avoid peaks and troughs from one obligation to the next.
• Industry confidence and assurance to drive investment.
• Secure investment in skills, education and training.
• Greater employment and opportunities in our sector.

Meeting the Government’s carbon goals will require the vast majority of the UK’s 27 million homes to be virtually carbon zero by 2050.
INCA believe that taking action on these key points will bring investment into the sector and scale up the delivery of efficient, optimised retrofit to make this goal achievable.
Data: Verified and unverified data related to core messages can be supplied on request.
Verified data: Sourced from OFGEM, BEIS, DESNEZ, Chief Construction Advisor to UK Government and the Energy Saving Trust.
Unverified but live data: Sourced from live contract works undertaken on a wide range of obligations, with actual utility client charges and Trustmark registered retrofit individual cost breakdown of charges.